Access Control and Systems Solutions

CCTV camera -in-dadarWhat is access control system

Access control is the process where by movement in and out of a building is controlled through specific doors, elevators and even gates for specific people at specific times. This is needed when the areas are of high security where extra security is required beyond intrusion detection. Example of this area are: Military installation, Oil and gas facilities, Hospital, Prison, Airport and so on even normal offices is also inclusive. Although these area may be frequent by many people, certain area within this area will still be out of bound to unauthorized person. Thus this is where the access control system play an important part. Access control system should also come with the ability to run specialized reports which show who accessed these premises and when, with date and time and even identification code (ID).

Kambar Secure Systems provides various options in access control which may be used as standalone or integrated into the building security system. We carry and designed system from a single door to as many doors as you need to control access.

What are the equipment involved in access control system

Access control system usually involve the use of magnetic locks, swipe card reader, Proximity card reader system, keypads even remote transmitter for entry and exit control and now the latest in this is the biometric access control system ranging for fingerprint. Veins, retina and even facial recognition system.

How do I choose my access control system

To choose an access control system for your premises. First you must assess what level of security you need. How many people is going to use this system. Do you need to keep a log or print hard copy on who access the premises and so on. Once the above is established it will be easy for you to decide what system to use.

What is a Keypad reader

A keypad reader is a reader that allow access to a premises or facilities by simply punching in the correct PIN numbers, the system will release a door holding devices eg: Electro Magnetic lock, door strike and even automatic gate and barrier to permit entry. If a wrong PIN code is input into the system access will be denied.

What is a Card reader system

Card reader system is a reader that allow access by authorized cardkey either mag strip, weigand, barcode or proximity card. To use this system, simply swipe or present the valid card to this card reader and the system will release a door holding devices eg: Electro Magnetic lock, door strike and even automatic gate. If an unauthorized card is use on the system access will be denied.

What is a Proximity card reader

Proximity card reader is a system where by access to the reader is by a contact less proximity card, simply present a valid card to this card reader and the system will release a door holding devices eg: Electro Magnetic lock, door strike and even automatic gate. If an unauthorized card is use on the system access will be denied.

What is a magnetic swipe card reader

Magnetic swipe card reader is a reader where by access to the reader is by a Magnetic swipe cardkey this key have a magnetic strip where all the access information is store. Simply swipe the card to this card reader and the system will release a door holding devices eg: Electro Magnetic lock, door strike and even automatic gate.

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